Campus Tours Are Never Available

You ever looked for a campus tour video of your school and you can never find one.? I know that happens with me all the time.

I started looking for UCF campus tour videos and there are always videos of people moving into their dorms or going to the tours but never show any of the. . . TOURS.! It annoys me when I see videos that waste my time. The worst ones are videos that actually show the campus, which usually are only 4 the MOST, BUT the videos don’t explain what buildings they are and it speeds through the whole tour of the video. What is the point of naming the title of the video a campus tour if it’s anything but that? Those are people I like to call complicit because what they do are wrong and misleading. Complicit and contentious vloggers looking to anger people.

I know when orientation dates for the fall comes out and I FINALLY get to apply for orientation I will take lots of pictures and post about my experience on here. I hate editing videos so I don’t use YouTube no more. But if you want to see pictures and here REAL information about UCF campus then check back here in February for an update about my orientation date.

I am so excited to apply for orientation. Excited to see this gigantic school. I can’t believe it’s so big that it has its own zip code. SMH.! Bigger the school the more fun right.? At least that is what I tell myself.

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